Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Pass ONLINE (An NoF Portal)

Clan NoF's Community For Yu-Gi-Oh!, Anime, Video Games, and MORE!

NEW Yu-Gi-Oh goodness coming your way!

Posted by Yogizilla on March 2, 2007

Hello all! =oD

I’ve been busy working on many projects but fear not: I am still here and back with a vengeance. There was a bit of a black-out period on YGOO due to the free practice lobby and lack of new players, it seems. Now, the new evolution of YGOO really seems to be aiding in our mission to bring Yu-Gi-Oh! to the masses, not just the younger generations.

I am super duper inspired, especially after receiving very nice messages from our customers and some folks I have dueled online. It’s great meeting people from all over the world and, as we expand internationally, we’re going to try to bring you some different goodies. First up, we’re going to restructure this blog so that we can put a focus on some of the major trends/recipes and their respective counters, card spotlights, and other duel tips.

The refreshing thing is that now we are seeing variety in strategies and recipes online. For a while, most people were running the same kinds of decks, which got very boring and predictable. Anyone that duels me knows that I use many different decks and constantly retool them. I like to have fun with the game and do unorthodox things. As such, my approach to duel strategy is to avoid mainstream techniques and catch people off-guard a bit, keep ’em guessing!

In the coming months, I hope to put up some quality content on here that you can all enjoy alongside our excellent customer service and product delivery. As it is, we are one of the few suppliers of duelpasses for Yu-Gi-Oh! online but we also want to focus more on the community by not only building relationships but expanding the community and creating more opportunity for great duels, good times, and long-lasting relationships. Again, thank you all for the kind words. Please remember to leave your mark on our guestbook and comment ’til your heart is content!

COMING SOON: Deck tips, duel strategies, duel request area, and the long-awaited Yu-Gi-Oh! Online Evo review!!!

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